Address the Board
Groups or individuals who desire to have a specific topic placed on the agenda shall
submit a written request at least five (5) working days prior to the public Board
meeting. Said request shall be made in writing and shall explain the topic and provide
rationale for the topic to be placed on the agenda. The written request shall be submitted
to the President of the College at least five (5) working days prior to the next Board
meeting. A copy of any written material to be presented to the Board at any such appearance
shall accompany the request to be placed on the agenda.
Public Comment
Individuals wishing to address the Board during the public comment section of the
agenda will need to complete the required sign in sheet (available prior to the meeting
in the set meeting location) with the requested information.
Addressing the Board and public comments will be limited to three minutes in length
and should be limited to topics of concern or actions relevant to the Board of Trustees.
The Chair reserves the right to limit the number of individuals or groups who will
be recognized to speak, and to terminate public comment which is abusive or disruptive.
The maximum amount of time which will be provided for public comment at any one meeting
shall be one hour. It shall be the discretion of the Board if after one hour, more
time shall be allowed for public comment. It shall be the option of the Board Chair
to halt presentations which repeat points already addressed or are not per the rules
herein established.
The Board Chair shall have the authority to determine procedural matters regarding
public participation not otherwise defined in Board policy.
Requests can be made to:
Kishwaukee College District #523 Board of Trustees
Emily Cahill
Administrative Coordinator, Office of the President
21193 Malta Road
Malta, IL 60150