Rosy Cordero Director Student Engagement 815-825-9588
Jessica Santillan-Reyes Dean, Office of Instruction 815-825-9683
Monday-Thursday — 7 am-10 pm*
Friday — 7 am-4 pm**
Saturday & Sunday — Closed
*Offices are open 8 am-4 pm or by appointment. Exterior doors will be locked after
7 pm. **The College campus is open on Friday with offices providing remote services only.
The Kish Store is open 8 am-1 pm.
Entry to the main building can be made through the following doors:
Phone: 815-825-9888 Office:A1300 On-Campus Hours: 8 am-5 pm — Monday-Thursday 8 am-4 pm — Friday Note: The IT Help Desk is open until 7 pm from Jan. 13-24. Remote/Online Services: IT Help Desk
Contact: Jessica Anderson Phone: 815-825-9438 Email: Office: C1110 On-Campus Hours: 8 am-5 pm — Monday-Thursday 11 am-2 pm for bin pick up. Mail Drop Box available outside pick-up window (former buyback window) or near flag
pole outside Door 6. Remote/Online Services: Email
The Kishwaukee College Foundation is pleased to announce the student scholarship recipients for the Spring 2025 semester. The Foundation awarded 354 scholarship awards totaling $335,355.
Kishwaukee College is continuing its trend of increasing enrollment, with Spring 2025 students up approximately 15% compared to Spring 2024. Kish’s upward enrollment trend began in Fall 2022 and has continued each semester.