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Emergency Response Procedures
Emergency Response Procedures
Kishwaukee College is committed to campus safety and the well-being of students, faculty,
and staff. An emergency can happen at any time. The College has developed an all-hazard
emergency response plan to respond to these emergencies. It’s important for everyone
to be aware of their surroundings and respond accordingly to an emergency if it arises.
Emergency Response Procedures
Immediately call 9-1-1 and notify dispatch of the situation along with notifying on-campus
security/DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office by dialing 9-5-2-9.
Give as much detail about what you saw/heard as possible and give the location of
the nearest room/room number.
Unfortunately, there is not a single response that fits all situations of an armed
intruder situation. However, by maintaining a Run, Hide, Fight mindset one can increase
the odds of surviving.
Always be aware of your surroundings.
Become familiar with two different exit routes from your current locations.
Be familiar with areas you could hide if you are unable to exit your current location.
If the room is safe to hide, turn off the lights. If possible, lock the door, and
barricade the door using whatever is available (chairs, desks, etc.).
When evacuating and hiding are not options, as a last resort option, become familiar
with items that could possibly help you fight back to survive.
During an incident, assess the information to determine the best course of action.
Watch the following video to familiarize yourself with the College's Run. Hide. Fight.
DO NOT USE cell phones or other electronic devices — these could trigger further explosions.
Take cover under solid furnishings, away from windows if possible.
If it is safe to do so, evacuate the building and look for Supervisor Response Team
(SRT) Members in yellow vests, SLT members wearing green vests, and on-campus DeKalb
County Sheriff's Office deputies for direction.
If it is not safe to evacuate (there is excessive damage and debris), wait for emergency
personnel to assist in evacuating you.
If you see fire/smoke:
Dial 9-1-1.
If the fire alarm hasn't been activated, go to a pull station and activate it.
Evacuate the building quickly, and take valuables with you.
Close doors to confine fire and reduce oxygen.
Look for SRT members wearing yellow vests or SLT members wearing green vests for direction
and assistance.
As you are exiting the building, instruct anyone along the way to evacuate.
If there is an individual needing assistance, report this information to an SRT member
or a first responder.
Evacuate to the nearest AREA evacuation point.
Report any information regarding concerns for individuals or building issues to the
nearest SRT or SLT member.
If feasible, check in with an instructor or supervisor.
Remain at the nearest AREA evacuation point.
Do not leave campus — this will assist with determining safe and complete student
and staff evacuation from the building.
Staying on campus will allow emergency personnel to access the building via Malta
Road entrances without obstruction.
Once an ALL CLEAR is communicated, everyone may return to the building.
If unable to evacuate:
If in a classroom or office, stay in the room, keep the door closed, and use items
(towels, shirts, etc.) to seal the bottom of your door to prevent smoke from seeping
If in a hallway, stay close to the ground where the air is less toxic. Attempt to
find a safer location.
Notify 9-1-1 that you are unable to evacuate. Provide your name, room number, stairwell,
number of individuals with you, etc.
If possible, put something in the window to alert first responders that you are trapped
in your room.
Dial Custodial Services at 9-4-6-8 and the DeKalb County Sheriff's Office at 9-5-2-9.
Do not touch the material, and keep others away from the material.
Notify neighboring rooms/offices.
If someone has come into contact with the material:
Dial 9-1-1 for medical assistance.
Check MSDS sheets and follow suggested procedures.
If there are no MSDS sheets, wait for medical personnel before attempting to remove
the substance to avoid unintentionally adding a catalyst.
If there are noxious fumes, evacuate the building and notify other rooms in the area
for evacuation.
DO NOT RETURN to the area until emergency personnel gives the ALL CLEAR.
Dial 9-1-1. Give the location of the victim (nearest room/room number if in a common
area).If possible, have someone contact on-campus security at 9-5-2-9.
Assess the situation, and remove any hazards.
Do not move the victim unless the person is in danger.
Check for a response: "Are you okay?"
If there is no response, open the airway by tilting the head and lifting the chin.
If appropriate, begin CPR.
Locate an AED machine and bring it to the scene.
If AED is needed, apply defibrillator pads and follow voice prompts.
If an individual is exhibiting threatening behavior to themselves or others, dial
9-1-1. Give the location of the victim (nearest room/room number if in a common area).
If exhibiting disruptive non-threatening behavior, call campus security at 9-5-2-9
or Student Services at 9-3-7-5.
Offer to accompany the individual to Student Services (Room C2100, 815-825-2740).
Changes in behavior warning signs:
Changes in hygiene, speech, attentiveness or social interactions.
Severe loss of emotional control.
Excessive drug/alcohol use.
High level of irritability.
Impaired speech.
Excessively morbid or violent/depressive themes in written assignments.
Verbal expression of suicidal or violent thoughts.
Kishwaukee College has created an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Implementation Playbook to address changing technology advancements in higher education. The Playbook was officially unveiled during the March Kishwaukee College Board of Trustees meeting.