Upon completion of the Associate Degree Nursing Program, the graduate will be proficient
in the following Program Student Learning Outcomes:
[Outcome is followed by Competency in Bold and Institution student learning outcome (Cultural,
critical, communicative, creative) in parentheses]
Advocate for patients and families, recognizing them as a partner for the promotion
of patient-centered care that is self-determined, growth producing, and respectful
of diversity, preferences, values, and needs.
Patient-Centered Care (Culture)
Develop a professional identity through behaviors that reflect integrity, respect,
responsibility, ethical practice, teamwork, collaboration, and open communication.
Patient-Centered Care (Culture)
Establish a foundation for lifelong learning through active involvement in professional
Safety/Evidence-Based Nursing Care Practice/Teaching (Critical)
Evaluate information to manage the systems and outcomes of care for the promotion
of quality improvement and patient safety.
Safety/Evidence-Based Nursing Care Practice/Teaching (Critical)
Utilize technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision-making.
Teamwork and Collaboration/Informatics (Communicative)
Synthesize data to manage the patient/family outcomes of care across healthcare settings.
Quality (Creative)
Integrate nursing practice knowledge that is substantiated by evidence to provide
safe, effective and quality care across health care settings.
Quality (Creative)
Kishwaukee College
Nursing Program Outcomes / Expected Levels of Achievement
- Kishwaukee College graduates' first-time NCLEX pass rates will be 90% or above.
- 60% of Kishwaukee College Nursing students will complete the nursing program within
100% of the time from entry into the program.
- 95% of Kishwaukee College graduates will report satisfaction with the preparation
for nursing practice provided by the program.
- 95% of employers will report satisfaction with the competency of graduates as defined
by program student learning outcomes.
- 95% or more of graduates will be employed within six months of program completion
as a Registered Nurse.