Kish College unveils Artificial Intelligence Implementation Playbook

Kishwaukee College has created an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Implementation Playbook to address changing technology advancements in higher education. The playbook was officially unveiled during the March Kishwaukee College Board of Trustees meeting.

The AI playbook provides steps and goals to help use AI and explore new technologies at the College. Kish will use the tools within the playbook to improve teaching and learning, student experiences, and overall organizational effectiveness by taking a planned and collaborative approach.

“The AI Implementation Playbook is a responsive and evolving resource that reflects Kishwaukee College’s commitment to innovation and excellence in education. This plan is very adaptable and will be updated to address changes in technology and the needs of our students,” said Dr. Laurie Borowicz, President of Kishwaukee College.

Over the past year, the College has developed the AI playbook through conversations with industry leaders, organizations and other colleges on the forefront of AI technology. From these discussions, Kish outlined a four-step approach to implementing AI — researching industry best practices, tracking AI-related activities, developing a technology integration and product development process, and fostering a culture that promotes experimentation, awareness, literacy and adoption.

Various College departments have already started using AI tools to improve workflows. Several faculty members are integrating AI into the classroom to enhance student learning by offering personalized writing feedback, fostering critical analysis of AI-generated content, and supporting research. The College has also provided many professional development opportunities to help empower employees to utilize AI technologies.

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