Kish College Awarded TRIO Grant

The U.S. Department of Education renewed and awarded Kishwaukee College the TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) grant. The grant will provide the College with $1.3 million over a five-year program cycle. The award for the first year of the grant is $261,888.00.

The TRIO SSS program is available to first generation college students who meet income eligibility requirements, as well as students with documented disabilities that impact academic performance and achievement.  The program has three main objectives for students: increase persistence; maintain good academic standing; and graduation and transfer with an associate’s degree or certificate within four years.

Dr. Michelle Rothmeyer, Vice President of Student Services at Kish, stated, “The College is excited to begin our second cycle of the TRIO SSS grant. During the first cycle of the grant, the program exceeded benchmarks for persistence and completion and contributed to the success of the students enrolled in the program.” 

Students enrolled in the program receive support through tutoring, advisement in postsecondary course selection, transfer assistance, learning communities, success coaches, career awareness, and job shadowing. “Each participating student will undergo a comprehensive needs assessment to develop an individualized Student Success Plan. Providing wrap around services to meet students needs, has proven to be successful in the overall retention and completion rate of TRIO SSS students,” says Dariana Lee, Director of Student Success. TRIO SSS Grant Aid may also be available in select circumstances to assist students whose academic progress and retention may be adversely affected by financial challenges.

For more information on the TRIO SSS program at Kish, contact Savannah Ilenikhena, Director, TRIO Student Support Services, at 815-825-2950 or at