The theme, “black migration,” is based on a period in time known as the Great Migration,
which can be traced back to as early as the 1900s and lasting into the 1970s. During
the Great Migration, blacks moved from the south to the northern, industrialized cities
in large masses, seeking work and better opportunities that the Jim Crow South did
not offer. During this time, many black soldiers returned home, after serving in both
World Wars, to the harsh realities of racism instead of receiving a soldier’s welcome.
Despite their adversities, blacks became successful in their new surroundings by excelling
in business, politics, and the arts.
The first event of the month is a Black History Kickoff Celebration event which will
be held on Monday, February 4 from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm outside of the Student Lounge.
Activities include celebrating with the student body and sharing what Black History
Month means personally on social media.
Four different Brown Bag Discussion series events will be held in the Student Lounge
from 11:00 am – 12:15 pm. These open discussions will be led by Assistant Professor
of Sociology, Pernevlon Ellis. On February 5, the discussion topic will be Southern
Roots; February 7, the topic will be The Great Migration; February 12, the topic will
be The Black Arts Movement; and on February 14, the topic will be #BlackLivesMatter.
On Wednesday, February 20, participants will have the opportunity to create two-dimensional
art that reflects their ideas about being black while enjoying light refreshments.
This “Paint and Sip,” event will be held in the Student Lounge from 12:00 – 2:00 pm.
The final event of the month is a lecture by Adjunct Music Instructor, Eric Schroeder.
His discussion will cover music that was developed out of the Great Migration by artists
like Scot Joplin. The event will occur both Monday, February 25 and Wednesday, February
27 from 11:00 am – 12:15 pm in the Student Lounge.
For more information on Black History Month at Kish, contact Student Activities at