Scholarships for In-District HS Students

Scholarships for In-District HS Students

The following scholarships are available for in-district high school graduates, private high school graduates residing within the Kish district, or home-schooled students in the 2024-2025 academic year.

Note: Students who apply to Kishwaukee College and meet eligibility requirements are automatically awarded these scholarships. Grade-point average (GPA) will be confirmed up on receipt of final transcripts. Official awards are made on Monday, Aug. 11.


Academic Achievement Scholarships are awarded for four consecutive semesters to students who meet specific GPA requirements upon completion of their high school diploma. There are two types of awards:

President’s Scholar

  • $1,000 scholarship per semester
  • Awarded to graduates with a cumulative high school GPA of 3.75 or higher.

College Scholar

  • $500 scholarship per semester. Awarded to graduates
  • with a cumulative high school GPA between 3.25-3.74.

Dual Credit

The Dual Credit Scholarship is available for students who have successfully completed (grade of C or better) a minimum of three credit hours of college level course work where Kish credit was earned while in high school. This includes dual credit at the high schools, dual credit through KEC, or dual enrollment offered at Kishwaukee College.A $250 scholarship is awarded each consecutive semester the student is enrolled for up to four semesters, with a maximum $1,000 total.

Scholarship Criteria

The following must be met for the Academic Achievement and Dual Credit scholarships: 

  • Enroll full-time in the summer or fall semesters immediately following graduation. (Students who graduate in December may enroll in the immediate spring, summer or fall semesters). Full-time enrollment is a minimum of 12 credit hours.
  • Enroll in and complete a minimum of 12 credit hours every semester the scholarship is awarded. Non-credit courses do not satisfy the requirements. Students may enroll in fewer than 12 credit hours in their final semester when completing a degree.
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA at Kish of 2.75 for Academic Achievement and 2.0 for Dual Credit.

Important Dates

May Graduates

  • April 15 — Priority deadline to apply to Kish for a scholarship award to be included in high school award nights.
  • April 22 — Priority award letters sent to students.
  • July 7 — Award letters sent to students who applied to Kish between April 16-June 30.
  • July 17 — Deadline to apply to Kish to be eligible for the Kish Academic Achievement and Dual Credit scholarships.
  • July 24 — Award letters sent to students who applied between July 1-17.
  • July 31 — Deadline to register for classes for students who receive Academic Achievement and Dual Credit awards.     
  • Aug. 11 — Scholarship awards applied to student accounts.

December Graduates - Tentative

  • Dec .12 — Deadline to apply to Kish to be eligible for the Kish Academic Achievement and Dual Credit scholarships.
  • Dec. 19 — Award letters sent to students.
  • Jan. 5 — Deadline to register for classes for students who receive Academic Achievement and Dual Credit awards.           
  • Jan. 6 — Scholarship awards applied to student accounts.

Contact Us

Finanial Aid OfficeEfinaid@kish.eduO815-825-9493

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