Kish College Foundation announces creation of Albert and Frances Besserman Endowment

Albert and Frances Besserman, former Kishwaukee College employees, recently established an endowment with the Kishwaukee College Foundation to support scholarships and the College Library.

A new endowment fund has been established with the Kishwaukee College Foundation thanks to two former employees, Albert and Frances Besserman.

The fund will provide scholarships for students pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. The fund will also provide financial support for the Kishwaukee College Library.

“Our interest is in providing financial support to students in need of scholarships, especially students pursuing a career in math or teaching math. Starting a career in mathematics is one of the best things that happened to me, and the opportunity to pass it along is meaningful,” Albert said.

“We would also like part of it to support Kish students through Library Services and any program enhancements or funding they need to enhance their services,” Frances said.

Currently retired in North Carolina, Albert and Frances were longtime employees at Kishwaukee College. The couple met while attending Illinois State Normal University (now Illinois State University), where they earned bachelor’s degrees. Starting in 1968, Albert was one of the first instructors hired at Kishwaukee College and taught mathematics until retiring in 1997. During his tenure, Albert served as the mathematics department chair for six years and was named Kish’s Outstanding Educator of the Year twice. Frances started at Kish in 1973 as a part-time Library staff member. After completing her master’s degree in library science, Frances worked as a Reference Librarian, later becoming the Director of the Learning Resources Center. During her time at Kish, Frances assisted with renovations to enlarge and improve the Library and retired in 1998.

“The Bessermans have a long legacy of contributions to Kishwaukee College. The Foundation is honored to continue to work with them as they provide generous, continued financial support for our students and our community,” said Courtney Walz, Kishwaukee College Foundation Director.

Albert and Frances credit their son, Mark, for bringing the idea of creating a Foundation endowment to their attention.

“The College had a huge influence on their whole lives. I remember how important the College and the community were and thought it would be a great opportunity to give back and show their support,” Mark said.

To learn more about the Kishwaukee College Foundation, visit