Kish's chapter of Phi Theta Kappa installs new officers for 2019-2020

The Alpha Rho Eta chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) at Kishwaukee College held their annual end of the year celebration, which included the installation ceremony for the new officers for the 2019–2020 academic year, on April 30, at the College.

During a candle-lighting ceremony, outgoing officers administered the oath of office to incoming officers. The following Kish students assumed their new roles in the chapter: Gwendolyn Papke, President; Kayla Taft, Vice-President; Miriam Nuñez, Hallmark Officer; Katelyn Ackland, Recording Secretary; and Carley Ackland, Public Relations Officer.

Outgoing officers are Johnathan Prose, President; Katherine Yunek, Vice-President; Yasmin Brooks and Richard Ragan, Hallmark Officer; Olin Simpson, Recording Officer; and Elizabeth Fritz, Public Relations Officer.

The outgoing officer team recognized chapter members who made outstanding contributions during the year with distribution of the 2019 Alpha Rho Eta Chapter Awards. The following students received awards: Yasmin Brooks, Hallmark Member; Elizabeth Fritz, Hallmark Member; Amanda Ness, Hallmark Member; Johnathan Prose, Hallmark Member, Outstanding Chapter Member, and Campus Leadership Award; Richard Ragan, Hallmark Member; Olin Simpson, Hallmark Member and Outstanding Chapter Member; and Katherine Yunek, Hallmark Member.

The Terry Martin Awards were also distributed at this year’s end of year celebration. Established by retired Kishwaukee College Biology Instructor and former PTK advisor Terry Martin, the award recognizes members who have demonstrated exemplary scholarship and service throughout the year. The 2019 recipients of the Terry Martin Phi Theta Kappa Chapter Award are Johnathan Prose and Olin Simpson.

PTK is the largest honor society in higher education with more than 3.5 million members worldwide. The society recognizes academic achievement of community college students and provides them with opportunities to grow as scholars and leaders. To be eligible, students must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours of coursework towards an associate degree and earn a 3.5 GPA or higher. Students must maintain a high academic standing throughout their enrollment in the College. Membership is by invitation only.

For more information on the Phi Theta Kappa, visit For more information on the Alpha Rho Eta chapter, contact chapter advisor Tim Anderson at or 815-825-9484.