Earn, Learn, Accelerate & Complete

Complete an associate and bachelor’s within three years of high school completion.

2 Degrees in 3 Years

2 degrees in 3 years

2 Degrees in 3 Years is a unique program demonstrating how students can earn an associate degree and bachelor’s degree in only 3 years after high school. By optimizing your coursework in your junior and senior years in high school, you can put yourself on a path to complete your undergraduate education in record time. The program is available to students at DeKalb High School, Genoa-Kingston High School, Hiawatha High School, Rochelle Township High School and Sycamore High School. High school students who earn college credit while still in high school can benefit from a number of different advantages. 

In our 2 Degrees in 3 Years program, you will: 

  • Lessen your time to degree completion by maximizing your high school years
  • Experience college work while in high school. Recent findings from the American Institute for Research indicate that high school students who take college courses while in high school are more likely to earn a college degree
  • Explore college courses, helping you to choose a college major before graduating from high school. 
  • Enter your profession and start earning money quickly by completing your education sooner
  • The more credits you earn in high school, the more you’ll save 

For more information on 2 Degrees in 3 Years, visit the the dual credit webpage.

Contact Us

Graciela HortaStudent Outreach CoordinatorP815-825-1711Eghorta@kish.edu

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